ISO 7730 - Comfort

ISO 7730 – Comfort

  • Swema instruments for measuring moderate thermal environments comply with the following standards: ISO 7726 and ISO 7730.
  • ISO 7726: Instruments and methods for measurement of physical quantities in thermal environments.
  • ISO 7730: Determines thermal comfort based on PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria.
  • The aim is to have as few dissatisfied people as possible in the thermal environment.

Swema-Geräte zur Messung mäßiger thermischer Umgebungen entsprechen den folgenden Normen: ISO 7726 und ISO 7730.

Description of comfort measurement according to ISO standards

SWEMA instruments for measuring moderate thermal environments meet the high standards of ISO standards, including:

  • ISO7726: This standard specifies instruments and methods for measuring physical quantities in thermal environments.
  • ISO7730: Ergonomics of the thermal environment. This standard defines analytical determinations such as PMV and PPD indices as well as local thermal comfort criteria.

Thermal comfort refers to the psychological state that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment. Since individual preferences vary, it is crucial to satisfy as many people as possible. ISO 7730 defines three indices:

  • PMV (Predicted Mean Vote): This indicator ranges from 3 (hot) to -3 (cold) and indicates the feeling of body heat.
  • PPD (Predicted Percentage Unsatisfied): This indicator shows the percentage of dissatisfied people in the thermal environment.
  • DR (Draught Rate): This indicator indicates the percentage of people who are likely to suffer from draughts. Draughts refer to unwanted local cooling caused by air movements.

Discover the SWEMA measuring devices that give you precise insights into your thermal environment and ensure optimal comfort.

Precise air speed, temperature and humidity sensors with measuring PC program for comfort measurement

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