Swema 3000mdH

Swema 3000mdH micromanometer with external probes

Swema 3000mdH is a multifunctional micromanometer and Logger with anemometers, temperature and humidity probes.

The device has a

built-in differential pressure sensor

with high measuring range and a

Zero setting valve


It is designed for precise ventilation testing, adjustment and balancing (TAB) as well as for industrial and research applications.

Features and Benefits Swema 3000mdH

  • Micromanometer and logger ±10,000 Pa
  • Anemometers, temperature and humidity probes
  • Leak tester
  • SwemaTwin modems
  • Automatic density compensation
  • Measuring programs according to EN 16211, 12599 or ISO 7730
Swema 3000mdH+
Das Swema300mdH+ hebt sich vom Swema3000md mit einen eingebauten Differenzdrucksensor mit hohem Messbereich ab.


Measuring range
Differential pressure -10.000…10.000Pa
Air speed approx. 2...49 m/s, 390...9600 fpm (calculated)
Barometer 600...1200 hPa (integrated)
Temperature Pt 100 -200...850 °C
Temperature Ni 100 -40 - 200 °C
Temperature K -270...1372 °C, -450...2500 °F (standard curve, thermocouple connection)
Thread sensor -40...400°C, -40...750 °F (included, Class 1, Type K thermocouple)
Measurement inaccuracy
Differential pressure ±1 % measured value, minimum ±0.4 Pa (after zeroing, at 23 °C ±5 °C)
Barometer ±2.5 hPa (at 23°C ±5°C)
Pt 100 / Ni 100 ±0.04 % of measured value, minimum ±0.1 °C, without sensor
Input Type K ±0.3°C at -10...70°C temperature thermocouple, without sensor
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